Monday, January 17, 2011

"Mom"ed to Death

Mom..Mommy..Ma..Mama..OYE! My kids never stop calling my name. Every five minutes it's something. I am not just talking about the basic necessities either. Let's take for example this recent exchange:

"Mom?" "What?" The silence is now deafening while my 6 year old thinks of what to say, because she's got nothing. "Um...I think we..." "Audrey do you have something you need?" "No, I just thought I would come see you." "That's nice honey."

Five minutes later (I am not joking about the time frame) she's back.

"Mom?" "What?" "I just thought you would want me to tell you we need more toilet paper from the store." "Why is that?" "Because I just opened the bathroom door to let my brother in there and he put all the toilet paper in the bowl. I am not sure why he did that, I think it's (insert 10 minute tirade of why my daughter thinks he put it in the toilet bowl) because he wanted to see if it floats."

While I love the wit and wisdom of my children, there are days when I want to change my name and move to Canada. Don't they realize there is a Daddy in the house. Why don't they go and tell him their nuggets of truth? Oh that's right...because his standard answer is "Go tell your mother."

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