Wednesday, January 12, 2011

El Benacabra.....

Cute isn't he? Don't let the adorable cheeks or blonde hair fool you...this little one is full on whirling dervish! Perhaps it's because his father wants to make him a Wolverine when he grows up? Maybe it's because he's a boy? All I know is that my girls were never as active, busy, nosy, and just plain curious!

The house was baby proofed from the girls, but has since intensified by 10! There is baby latches on the garbage can, door knobs, all the chairs have been put away because they are used for climbing onto counters and stoves. Although he figured out how to use a box of wipes and his lego table to make a ladder and get in the sink. All the bathrooms have to be secured for fear of Barbie getting a swirly along with entire rolls of toilet paper. There are baby gates that are no match for my son.

There are matchbox cars in our blinds. Bouncy balls in our speakers. Shoes in every crack and crevice of our house. I even found his Tom Brady action figure in the washing machine. I know, I know...Boys will be Boys, but I am not sure if this one is typical! C'est la least he keeps it interesting!

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